VR/AR Experience
In this HyCool course module about Virtual/Augmented Reality (VR/AR) experiences, we present you our latest developments in this innovative field. These VR/AR experiences developed within the framework of the HyCool project want to provide you with an idea what is already possible regarding VR/AR applications in the industry resp. what may be up to come soon.
The VR/AR experiences are demonstrated here as videos. If you are interested to apply them on your VR resp. AR gadgets we will provide you with the original Unity files on request. If you are interested please contact:
Mag. Dr. Christoph ZAUNER
Senior Research Engineer
Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems
Center for Energy
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Giefinggasse 2 | 1210 Vienna | Austria
T +43 50550-6381 | M +43 664 8251146 | F +43 50550-6679
christoph.zauner@ait.ac.at | www.ait.ac.at
View my researcher profile: www.ait.ac.at/profile/detail/Zauner-Christoph/
The video shows an AR experience for the AR device "Hololens". The AR experience was created in HyCool for training purposes. The user can playfully dimension a solar system with Fresnel collectors and PCM storage for a virtual industrial site superimposed on the real environment. The user can place the individual system components on the site of the industrial location. Navigation is via superimposed menu buttons that are clicked using "hand control". Moving and placing the system components is also done by hand. Superimposed text boxes guide the learner through his tasks and provide helpful background information. The individual tasks of the AR experience are:
- Read the direct solar radiation for Barcelona from a solar radiation map that is displayed and enter it as an answer to a quiz question displayed in the AR experience.
- Place three Fresnel collector arrays in the designated locations.
- Roughly design a PCM storage system for temporary storage of surplus solar heat (required storage capacity and resulting dimensions).
The video shows an VR experience for VR lenses. The VR experience was created in HyCool for training purposes. The user can playfully discover the Givaudan Demo Site by walking around the Fresnel solar collector field and by entering the technical room and accessing the console with the control panel (Connected to real time SCADA control system) at the working site with the heat storage tank, the hydraulics, valves, etc. There the trainee has to perform tasks as opening or closing valves, activating/deactivating hydraulic circuits, etc. Navigation is via menu buttons that are clicked using "hand control". The manipulation of the system components is also done by hand. Text boxes and the SCADA system dash board provide helpful information. Thera are also auxiliary screens where the staff may consult the site elements in the P&ID diagram, verify the weather conditions at current time throughout a live camera option in case any failure might be detected by the control system. The individual tasks of the VR experience are:
- Experience how to walk in the solar field
- Learn how to get into the technical room
- Find out what to do in the control panel
- Experience how to manipulate valves, buttons and perform maintenance tasks