Enrolment options

On our e-Learning platform www.waermepumpe-weiterbildung.at, you find a number of free e-Learning courses that you may do without any registration.

But, by getting an account on this platform and by subscribing to the free full access to our free courses (below), you will be able to get access to further functionalities, e.g. quizzes and you may receive a personalised certificate of attendance (does not apply to all free courses). 

How to subscribe?

If you already have an user account, you just may log in and register to the free full access to our free courses by clicking on the "Enrol me" button below. Then, you can go directly to any of our free courses and participate in the restricted activities, e.g. quizzes.

If you do not have an user account yet, please click on the "Continue" button below. This will take you to the login screen where you can create your free user account (click on the "Create new account" button). After creating your account, you can log in and then register to the free full access to our free courses as described above.

After creating an user account and after subscribing to the free full access to our free courses, you will receive automatically sent (confirmation) emails. By creating an account on www.waermepumpe-weiterbildung.at, you are automatically subscribed to our Training Newsletter (German). If you do not want to receive these emails, you may unsubscribe by clicking on the link "Unsubscribe from this forum" (you find this option on the main page too) or contact weiterbildung@ait.ac.at.

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)